THE NATION reports: This year can certainly be considered the golden year for Thailand's automobile industry. Just grab a look at these figures: apart from achieving a new sales record of an expected 1.4 million vehicles, 2012 also marks the first year that the industry has broken the 2-million-vehicle production mark. Auto exports from Thailand this year is estimated at Bt1 trillion, making the auto industry the biggest earning industry, with 1-tonne pickup trucks and eco-cars as the mainstream products, as well as auto parts and components. Watching this growth trend, many are already eyeing the 3-million-vehicle production mark for the auto industry. The Industry Ministry along with the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI), the Auto Industry and the Auto Parts Industry Club of the FTI, Thai Automotive Industry Association (TAIA), Thai Auto Parts Manufacturers Association (TAPMA), Board of Investment (BoI) and the Thai Automotive Institution (TAI) recently celebrated the 2-million...
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